ECS Stories
The Toral Family
I feel like ECS is the best fit for our children and our family because we want our Christian values reinforced while the kids are away from home and are at school. They do spend a lot of time away from home with going to school on a regular basis plus extracurricular activities. We really enjoy being a part of ECS because we know those values that are so important to us at home are being reinforced at the school as well.
The Mayer Family
The care, attention, biblical teaching, education, communication, and all around environment at ECS doesn’t compare to anything we’ve tried. We have been highly impressed with ECS and feel so fortunate that our kids can attend this school. The transition for our family with students at various grade levels at ECS was a lot smoother than we could have imagined or expected. We attribute a lot of that to the great staff and the love, prayers, and care that ECS offers!

Shelby Behrend, ECS Alumna
ECS helped mold me into the person I am today. I accepted Jesus in 6th grade. I learned so much about the Bible and servant leadership at ECS. I developed great relationships with many of my teachers – some of which I’m still in contact with today. ECS gave me a strong foundation in my walk with the Lord for which I am very thankful. I realize now that ECS was my favorite school I ever attended.

The Sloan Family
ECS is not just somewhere to send your child to school. They are a partner that will work with your family to teach your child how to view this seemingly confusing world through a biblical lens. There is a culture at this school that lends itself to partnership, friendship, and fellowship. You don’t find that many places.

Ginger, ECS Parent
My son has opened up to Jesus and God in a way that he did not before starting school. He was very timid about the concept of faith before he began learning more about God and Jesus at ECS. Faith was always part of home and church, but it was when it became part of his every day at school, is when I saw the love of Jesus blossom in him. It makes my heart so happy!

Derek Head, ECS Parent
Any parent considering ECS should understand that you are going to be able to have communication with your student’s teachers and an open door to what’s going on. Most importantly, no matter what the subject is, your child is going to learn how that ties back to who God is, and that is, for us, the most valuable part of ECS.