Cherishing Christ This Easter Season
Written by Mark Wickersham, ECS Director of Spiritual Formation
Easter is just around the corner – April 9th to be exact. According to a recent survey by, Easter ranks as the 11th most popular holiday in the United States. Mother’s Day (#3), Labor Day (#7), and Halloween (#10) all outranked celebrating the Resurrection of Christ. Something isn’t right here. Easter (or Resurrection Sunday), is a time to rejoice in Christ’s victory over death, disease, and destruction. It’s a time to rejoice in Christ’s victory over Satan, sin, and suffering. Jesus paid the price for our sins and rose again to reconcile us to God. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, there is hope. Followers of Christ will spend eternity in Heaven and have peace and joy in this life despite the lifestorms we face. Praise King Jesus!
We of course are to cherish Christ each and every day; however, Easter is a special time of remembering His resurrection and the life we have in Him. So how can we cherish Christ this Easter season? Below are four simple ways to cherish Christ more during this Easter season. Just do it!
1. Read, study, and talk about Easter. Here are several passages to choose from: Genesis 22:9-14, Matthew 28:1-10, John 20:19-23, Romans 5:6-11, 8:3-9, and 2 Corinthians 5:14-21.
2. Watch Easter videos. Igniter Media has a variety of powerful short videos pertaining to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you do an Easter search on RightNow Media, you’ll find several excellent choices.
3. Worship at a church service and invite others to join you. What better time is there to worship with others than at Easter? Pastors know that the sanctuaries typically have more people on Easter Sunday so they typically pull out all the stops.
4. Lead Easter-themed family devotions. Don’t know where to start? Check out some of these resources: A free 8-day Easter devotional guide from Lifeway, Easter-themed books recommended by Tim Challies, and Ressurection eggs.
So how will you cherish Christ this Easter season?
He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Matthew 28:6