Praying for Christ-Centered Education
Written by Mark Wickersham, ECS Director of Spiritual Formation
People are sometimes confused about what prayer is, but prayer isn’t that complicated. It’s the primary way for followers of Christ to…
- COMMUNICATE to God what we are thankful for,
- CONVEY what we hope for,
- CONFESS what our sin problems are,
- and CELEBRATE God for who He is.
Prayer is something we often neglect and take for granted, and we need to remember that prayer is only possible because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. He makes it possible for us to be able to approach God’s throne of grace with confidence. Can we say IN-CRED-I-BLE?
A special day dedicated to prayer is the ACSI Day of Prayer. This year, it’s on the last day of the month, February 28th. Please join the Association of Christian Schools (an organization I’ve been a part of for two decades) and Evansville Christian School (where I’ve worked for the past seven years) in prayer as we pray around the clock.
What can you pray for? LOTS! Below are just seven things you can lift up. If you’re interested in helping the Eagle Community pray for the following points, sign upĀ here! Thanks for being a part of this essential work, and may God be given the glory!
1. Thank God for ECS and for the 3,500+ Global National Schools that ACSI serves.
2. Pray that teachers would empower students to embrace a biblical worldview and that lives would be transformed.
3. Pray for committed partnerships between educators, parents, churches, and parachurch ministries.
4. Pray that strong Christian men and women would apply to ECS and other Christian schools.
5. Pray that ECS graduates would be salt and light in the Tri-state area, Midwest, and throughout the world.
6. Pray that barriers preventing families from receiving a Christ-centered education are torn down.
7. Pray that lawmakers support and defend our freedom of education.
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16